Loser Wolves: A Cat Fancy

Bengal cat is an attempt to preserve the image of a leopard in the body of a house cat… using a wild animal’s genes, while leaving out the wild animal personality. But is it possible to isolate the parts of a wild animal that you like, and forgo the parts that you don’t?

Can you have your leopard rosette, and your little cat too?

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Ride or Die

Storm chasing is a pursuit we love to hate in the comment section, but if you look at the TV ratings, or YouTube views, it’s clear that we can’t look away, either. So what motivates chasers to actively put themselves in front of a storm when everyone is else is taking shelter? And, ultimately, do we owe them an apology?

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One Bin to Rule Them All

Over the years, cities and towns have found ways to make recycling virtually effortless for us. Most places in the country have curbside pickup. You put the recycling out with the trash, it gets hauled away for free, and you get to feel good about it. It’s the right thing to do.

But the reality is, recycling doesn’t work because we believe in it. It works because it’s an industry.  You might be keeping that plastic bottle out of your trash bin, but the commodities market keeps it out of the landfill. That plastic bottle is cash in someone’s pocket. 

But what happens when the way we recycle no longer fits the rest of the equation? Where does our trash go when our partners aren’t buying?

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Life on the Edge of the Olympics

When you watch the Olympics, you think you’re watching the best in the world competing at the pinnacle of their fitness.

And while that is often true when it comes to America’s very best, when you start to get farther down the list, choosing which athletes deserve a ticket to the Olympics gets much more difficult… much more subjective

And it’s often those margin calls, those athletes on the bubble, who have some of the most inspiring stories to tell.

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