The Element of Surprise
From Napoleon's cutlery to the WWII occupation of Greenland, we dig up the hidden history behind the most abundant metal in the Earth's crust.
From Napoleon's cutlery to the WWII occupation of Greenland, we dig up the hidden history behind the most abundant metal in the Earth's crust.
Some social media influencers tout the all-meat diet and say that plants are making people sick. The science says otherwise.
In which we consider Flaco the Eurasian eagle owl, impulse goat purchases, and a big night for salamanders. Plus, our host graces us with a rendition of a Tom Waits song.
The SEC is trying to make sustainable investing easier. But can you save for retirement in a way that’s both good for the planet… and good for your pocketbook?
We gather tips on how to manipulate — er, inspire kids into liking the outdoors, and stories of what happens when it doesn’t work out.
Grass is the sand-killer.
Producer Felix Poon exits his comfort zone and picks up a crossbow, to find out if one weekend in the Catskills can convert him into a dedicated hunter.
Life on a scientific mission to one of Antarctica’s most remote glaciers.
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